
About Us

BBQ is our passion

Welcome to Wood Pile BBQ,


 Thanks for taking the time to scroll threw our page and learn a little more about us. I’m just a regular guy who loves to cook on the grill. It all began when I started helping cook at Hephzibah church, for the Baptist men’s chicken cook. This still happens every year. Then after a few years of making many large cookers for myself and others!  I decided it was time to really focus on just cooking BBQ.

In the very beginning my oldest son Chase wouldn’t hardly eat any dinner when he was a toddler unless it was cooked on the grill. Then we had to eat it right off the grill. He’s now 23 and still loves the (grill) food that’s grilled on a regular basis. He is a very important part of the team it just happens to be he is our tech guy, social guy and order taker on a regular basis.

 Chelsea my sweetie was a different story she loved being outside. Since we were still in the habit of feeding Chase off the grill, it was right up her ally to follow his steps and get a belly full before dinner time. Then she became the one that showed an interest in cooking. So as she has gotten older. She has taken the lead with the tongs in her hand many, many times. She told me just a few years ago that she wanted to cook all the pulled pork and pimento cheese melts at our Wendell Harvest festival gig. So the tongs got passed and she made over 375 that day. She was a tired but a happy cook.   She is in college now and studying hospitality, so cooking is right up her ally. I pray that she keeps grilling because she has good eye for a nice charcoal fire and a patience that every cook needs.

 Reid our last one in the PILE! He is a little cook himself too and might just give his sissy a run for the money with his wings that he cooks these days. He is only 7 and enjoys cooking wings. He doesn’t eat that much but he does like to cook and be outside. His favorite thing is to make and mix up the spices for the grill food. Of courses he likes to try every spice, even the hot ones. That’s why he’s a Flamin hot Cheetos kinda kid!

 Now that leaves my wife Crystal. She is a great cook and has feed all of us for many years on a regular schedule. She does fuss with me a little, while she is taken care of business in the kitchen. OK so I try to but in! But without her there would be drama. She runs a tight ship and is organized enough for all of us. Things just run better if she is helping. I am very fortunate to have her helping in every aspect of Wood Pile BBQ. !

 Well that about sums it up, our last name is Wood and there is a pile of us involved in this endeavor and we are the Wood Pile. Local family that likes to cook! Thanks for taking the time to learn a little more about us. Hope to see you around our side of the grill one day!!

 I have to give my dad ( The Mayor of Lizard Lick ) and mom ( Shirley Wood ) credit for the name. Back in the early 70’s they created the Wood Pile name. He’s been a huge influence in my life and still loves to BBQ some chicken at 88 years old. Yes my mama makes the best homemade biscuits ever. It’s amazing how much food plays a part of our lives every day.  I hope we get to share our food with you someday.


Thanks, Joey Wood / Wood Pile

Joey Wood